AT&T and TOMS Celebrate Good
AT&T and TOMS celebrated their 10-year relationship by inviting fans to experience TOMS shoe giving – inside a giant shoebox! At the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles, California. From outside the box to take a photo opp in a giant picture frame, all the way to the inside the box, getting a full journey of a VR experience and TOMS shoe display from kids' organized by the countries they belonged to.
I worked on the #CelebrateGood photo moment, utilizing a giant wooden branded picture frame - visitors stopped in front of the shoebox could post on social media onsite using #CelebrateGood to win prizes and swag and a custom polaroid picture to take home with them. Additionally, if they used the hashtag #ShoeGive, it trigged a donation of a new pair of TOMS to a child in need.
• Client: AT&T and TOMS
• Agency: The Marketing Arm & EventsTag
• Press: Joe's Daily
• Photo Credit: AT&T, iPhone