Kohler Shower Party At Bonnaroo
When it comes to music festivals, you're going to get dirty regardless. But when it comes to camping music festivals in 90 degree heat on 'the farm' aka Bonnaroo Music and Art Festival, you're not only sweating, smelly but you are downright dirty. As Kohler was the "exclusive shower sponsor" in Manchester, TN, we created an engaging social program giving fans the opportunity to not only take a nice-clean shower, but help promote brand awareness on their Commit to Six minute shower program, and their newest bluetooth music Moxie shower-head.
With 600+ showers on site. 90,000+ music goers sprinted over for this one of a kind experience. Not only were fans getting relief from the heat, there were two activations running within the space. The first one being, you could sign up for the #CommitToSix challenge, which was taking a six minute shower daily or use the hashtag on social - $1 would go towards nature.org. The second was posting your photos and videos using the hashtag #KohlerShowerParty across multiple social screens within seconds, was a way to win prizes including a Moxie Shower speaker, and a great way social networking. This program left fans clean and a smile on their face.
• Location: Manchester, Tennessee
• Client: Kohler
• Agency: EventsTag
• Press: SPIN
• Instagram: KohlerShowerParty
• Photo Credit: Kohler, iPhone